
There is just not enough time in the day for me to get everything I need to get done accomplished. There is really nothing I'd like more than to become a dedicated blogger but my princess peach takes up so much of my time these days. I must say though that I do enjoy every bit of her company. Her smile alone makes my heart melt! So from here on out I am going to make it a point to post an entry at least once a week, that is with the intention of becoming a daily blogger sometime in the very near future.

With that being said, I digress....

Magnificent Milestones & Smitten Boutique have posted a Wedding Giveaway!

"Chicagoland couples are invited to share their love stories for a chance to win the eleven eleven WEDDING, Chicago’s premier all-inclusive wedding giveaway valued at $60,000, to be held on Nov. 11, 2010, at West Loop Studio. Everything, from food to formal wear, flowers to the last dance is included. 10 semifinalists will be chosen and the couples with the top three votes will be interviewed by the planning committee. The winning couple will be announced on June 1, 2010."

You see Mr. Tig and I have been together for ten years next year. Yes 10 years! And can you believe that we have yet to wed!?! Two kids and almost ten years later and still no wedding. Much to my dismay, Mr. Tig proposed to me in D.C., a year ago this month. We've bounced around a slew of ideas and have set a date for sometime next year. I must admit though that the typical fairy tale wedding does not much appeal to me. I used to dream of having a huge wedding but after planning so many weddings I feel that the "event" itself takes away from the true beauty and significance of what is really happening. I see people get so wrapped up in the planning process that they loose sight of what is most important. To be honest I saw this wedding giveaway the other day and simply thought fun! How fun would it be to submit our little love story and watch what could become of it. So, for those who are interested visit eleven eleven wedding and submit your beautiful little love story too! I'll post on the progress of my submission, stories, voting, etc., till then wish us luck and hurry, the deadline is May 1st!

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