
I have a bad case of "The In-Betweens" {Part I}

I have a serious case of the in-betweens, and thanks to Kathysue of Good Life Design, I can now put a name to this malady.

Many nights, I turn to some of my favorite blogs to unwind after a long and hectic day. On this particular evening, I accidentally, but thankfully, came across this post. Having come across Kathysue's assessment for what she named the in-betweens, could not have come at a better time.

Her description of these symptoms are as follows:

Feeling tired.
No ambition to do anything.
Lack of excitement or enthusiasm.
The need to stay home and cuddle up with a blanket.
When looking around one’s home, nothing looks right.
Feeling the need for a whole transformation of one’s home.
Nothing seems to inspire you.
Avoid looking in the mirror.

Um, I read these and answered yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes! Get my drift?! To my dismay, I am not the only woman suffering from this. Naturally, I left a comment and she so graciously responded {love this. comments seem to sometimes get lost in blogland. don't love this.}

Kathysue's recommendations for easing these blues:

Enjoy cuddling under the blanket by adding a cup of your favorite hot beverage and a good design book or magazine.
When grocery shopping buy a bouquet of flowers and a couple of new house plants to brighten up your space.
Place pretty fruit in a bowl on your counter.
Remove a few accessories from cluttered areas to open up the space
Start making a list of projects starting with the small ones
Go to an antique show or a garden show to get inspiration.
Take a walk and enjoy the beauty around you.
Look in the mirror and spruce up a little. Blush and lipstick go a long way in helping us look a little perkier.
Make a lunch date with a good friend and talk about how you feel.

So, in my attempt to rid myself of this malady, I am taking her up on her recommendations and I'll share them here. I feel doing so will hold me accountable, and I can use all the help I can get. This is a little embarrassing, but what the heck...

I started with a home facial. Yes, I didn't completely apply the mask on my forehead. I never do, and to be honest, I really don't know why. I did though, apply it on my neck. I think I've mentioned that I'm nearing the big 30 so I'm trying to preserve the elasticity in my neck for as long as I possibly can. I figure it can't hurt.

And, as far as the, "Look in the mirror and spruce up a little. Blush and lipstick go a long way in helping us look a little perkier," I already do this, so much so, that Tig threatens to throw out every mirror we own, ha. I'm thinking in place of this I'll aim switch out my yoga pants for some skinny jeans. Ya, we'll see about this one.


  1. Goodness, I've sure been trying. Thanks!!

  2. Hmmm... I think reading this post was great timing... definitely a case of the "In Betweens" going on over here!

  3. It's definitely going around. I think a little sun could do us all some good. Good thing Spring is right aound the corner.

  4. i just came across your blog via another blog (a colorful mind) and i have to say, even with the face mask you look stunning. hope the "in betweens" are getting better.

  5. Thank you Minnie! I've definitely been MIA in these parts as of late, but it's always great to hear when someone new stumbles upon by blog.


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