OK so I have officially changed the name of this blog a total of six times, and counting. To be quite honest I am new to the world of blogging. Never created one let alone read one.......till now. The idea of having one tickles my insides especially because I have always been a firm believer of never letting people know exactly what you are thinking. The idea of creating a blog had been dancing around in my head for quite a few weeks now. A recent encounter with my mother was enough of nudge to get me to finally create one....
"Look, your horoscope reads...
Last October, Mars went into Leo, a friendly place for you to host the Red Planet. In Leo, Mars lit up your third house, ruling the very area that you are known to be so talented at doing, namely, communications. Many Gemini work as authors, columnists or copywriters, screenplay writers, editors, proofreaders, researchers, or as specialists in PR, sales, advertising, marketing, or software/ app development. Other Gemini work as spokespersons, or are in the television or radio business, as producers or other managers, or make their name working on the Internet, maybe as a blogger..."
Now this is not to say that I believe that I'll make a name for myself blogging, although I do believe 'I'LL MAKE A NAME FOR MYSELF (we'll leave that topic for a future posting) but it was enough to get me to just do it.
Enough of why I am creating this blog and onto what I want/hope for it to be....to be honest, at this point in time, I haven't a clue though I am hoping that in all my randomness it will evolve into something of substance but for right now I expect it to simply serve as a platform for which I can get my creative juices a moving.
till next time!
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